  • 2023 - 09 - 01
    为进一步减轻纳税人负担,现将外籍个人有关津补贴个人所得税政策公告如下: In order to further reduce the burden of taxpayers, the announcement of the individual income tax policy on allowances and subsidies for expatriate individuals is hereby released: 一、外籍个人符合居民个人条件的,可以选择享受个人所得税专项附加扣除,也可以选择按照《财政部 国家税务总局关于个人所得税若干政策问题的通知》(财税字〔1994〕020号)、《国家税务总局关于外籍个人取得有关补贴征免个人所得税执行问题的通知》(国税发〔1997〕54号)和《财政部 国家税务总局关于外籍个人取得港澳地区住房等补贴征免个人所得税的通知》(...
  • 2023 - 06 - 30
    China's current tax framework was put in place after the tax reform in 1994 to meet the needs of the socialist market economy. Since the beginning of 21st century, the Chinese government has made a series of adjustments and improvements to the tax system, which has guaranteed the government's revenue and contributed to the country's rapid economic growth.Milestones2006Agricultural Tax,...
  • 2022 - 08 - 31
    Expats working in China should pay individual income taxes. But don't worry, it's not that complicated. Besides, foreigners have long enjoyed preferential tax subsidy and tax exemption policies in China. As China's Individual Income Tax Law keeps improving, foreigners can enjoy tax reduction policies just like their Chinese colleagues. But if one happens to be a taxpayer in two countri...
  • 2019 - 03 - 27
    State Administration of TaxationAnnouncement on the collection and management of land occupation taxAnnouncement of the State Administration of Taxation No. 30, 2019In order to implement the farmland occupation tax law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the farmland occupation tax law) and the measures for the implementation of the farmland occupation tax law of the ...
2022 - 08 - 31
Expats working in China should pay individual income taxes. But don't worry, it's not that complicated. Besides, foreigners have long enjoyed preferential tax subsidy and tax exemption policies in China. As China's Individual Income Tax Law keeps improving, foreigners can enjoy tax reduction policies just like their Chinese colleagues. But if one happens to be a taxpayer in two countries, does it mean you have to pay taxes twice? The answer is... yes and no. Click out the video to learn more!Here is the infographic:
2019 - 03 - 27
State Administration of TaxationAnnouncement on the collection and management of land occupation taxAnnouncement of the State Administration of Taxation No. 30, 2019In order to implement the farmland occupation tax law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the farmland occupation tax law) and the measures for the implementation of the farmland occupation tax law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the implementation measures), and standardize the collection and management of the farmland occupation tax, the relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:1. The land occupation tax shall be calculated on the basis of the area of the land actually occupied by the taxpayer (hereinafter referred to as 'taxable land') within the...
2019 - 03 - 27
About personal tax: This notice will be sent to employeesNow? Six special deductions for personal income tax officially implemented in 2019, do you know this?
2019 - 08 - 02
Since September 1, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of taxation have released the announcement on the taxable income items applicable to personal income tax for individuals to obtain relevant income. Among them, if an individual provides a guarantee for the unit or others to obtain income, the individual income tax shall be calculated and paid according to the item of 'accidental income'. If the owner of the house property gives the house property to others free of charge, the donee shall calculate and pay individual income tax according to the item of 'accidental income' for the income from the donation of the house free of charge. According to the announcement: the owner of the house property gives the house property to his / her spouse, parents, child...
2019 - 08 - 02
There are many reasons for enterprises to make money to individual private households, such as: dividend, reimbursement, salary, personal goods, services provided to enterprises. So what tax risks should enterprises pay attention to when they pay all kinds of payments to individuals? Let's share today!Risk of not being able to obtain deduction voucherMoney is an asset of your enterprise, which is reflected as monetary capital in the balance sheet. When your assets are paid out and the assets are reduced, assets = Liabilities + owner's equity, then you must either reduce your liabilities or owner's equity. If the decrease of owner's equity has nothing to do with the distribution of profits, it will certainly be reflected in the cost of the income statement.Since the money is...
2019 - 09 - 17
Since this year, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of taxation have formulated a series of preferential policies and supporting documents in order to thoroughly implement the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on tax reduction and fee reduction. In order to further facilitate taxpayers and tax personnel to correctly understand the relevant policies of tax reduction and fee reduction and effectively solve the problems encountered in the work, the office of the leading group of the implementation of tax reduction and fee reduction of the State Administration of Taxation has sorted out the problems reflected in the implementation of local policies for the reference of tax payers.Wrong or supplement invoiceA: according to the re...
2019 - 08 - 02
2019 inventory starts!Does the company dare to use personal account to collect money?I. in 2019, the proportion of tax inspection will be increased, focusing on combating tax evasionIn 2019, all kinds of tax preferences and procedures will continue to be simplified. At the same time, tax inspection will become more and more severe!1. In 2019, the tax inspection will be strengthened! Increase the proportion of tax inspection and spot check, and focus on cracking down on tax evasion and tax evasion!
2019 - 08 - 02
General Office of national development and Reform Commission General Office of State Administration of TaxationNotice on strengthening the construction of personal income tax creditFgbcjg [2019] No. 860Leading department of social credit system construction of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, tax bureaus of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government and cities specifically designated in the State Administration of Taxation, general office of member units of inter ministerial joint conference of social credit system construction:In order to implement the personal income tax law of the people's Republic of China and its implementing regulations,...
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